
State Board of Medicine
I sit on the Michigan Board of Medicine and serve as the chair of the Rules committee. With the high number of physicians who come to the board’s attention, in part, as a result of either a SUD or risky substance use, having a board-certified addiction medicine physician as a member of the board is important to ensure both public safety and compassionate care of physicians.
My reputation at the State of Michigan comes from my advocacy work resulting in systemic changes. I am actively engaged with the state through committee work including sitting on a naloxone stakeholder committee, SUD licensure stakeholder committee, and opioid task force stakeholders’ advisory group.

American Society of Addiction Medicine
I am actively involved with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). I chair the continuing medical education committee and am a member of both the advocacy committee and the public policy committee. I sit on the medical education executive committee. In these roles, I strive to provide service to my profession by lending my unique expertise as a highly-trained clinician-educator.
I regularly attend and present at the national conference.

Michigan Society of Addiction Medicine
I am the past president after serving four years as president of the Michigan Society of Addiction Medicine (MiSAM), which is the Michigan chapter of ASAM. I sit on the education committee for MiSAM which arranges the annual conference, which I re-instituted during my presidency. I am also chair of MiSAM’s advocacy committee. This advocacy has resulted in policies to remove prior authorization for medications to treat substance use disorders and expansion of covered services for Michigan’s Medicaid Plan. Amongst other accomplishments, we have also provided direct feedback on SUD licensure regulations.

Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders
I am a board member for the Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders. Our goal is to promote increased education in medical schools of future physicians around treating persons with all types of substance use including tobacco, alcohol, illicit substances, and prescription medications. We have a series of curriculum challenges to support integrating SUD care into undergraduate medical education. Funding is provided by the Opioid Response Network.

Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction
The Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction (AMERSA) is another professional organization I am actively engaged with. I regularly attend and present at AMERSA.